Hello all you wonderful people in the blogosphere!
Yes it is has been a while since you have heard from us at Swimming Tigress and Notalotabull Press and we do apologize but we’ve been busy at work bringing some fabulous new music to the world.
Well, where to start!
Tiffany has released her new collection of songs for advanced vocalists, Dreams, Magic and Other Realities, with 8 songs about everything from unrequited love to wishing wells. It’s available for download at tiffanyprochera.com and for purchase at Tredwell’s Music in Winnipeg (http://www.tredwellsmusic.com ) and Musical Tymes online at www.musicaltymes.ca . Check out the video below!
To learn even more, listen to clips and get your copy, visit http://www.tiffanyprochera.com/SwimmingTigress/dreams_magic_collection.htm .
We have also revamped the Swimming Tigress Music YouTube page. Have a look and subscribe to the STM channel!
Mocha And The Moon: A New Mooosical is finally done and Tiffany couldn’t be prouder of it! We’re just putting the finishing touches on the website so that you can learn all about it, listen to clips and perform it at your school, community theatre or anywhere else you can think of! Keep tuned in for more details!
Well, that’s where we’re at right now! Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more updates and fun stuff!
Have a fabulous day!
Here’s another poem that’s being set to music for Tiffany Prochera’s upcoming song collection.
Here are some updates from STM/NP land!
Tiffany had the pleasure of being a guest solost at the Joie De Vivre Singers spring concert on April 28th. The audience was wonderful and she thoroughly enjoyed singing a couple of Ukranian folk songs arranged by W.H. Anderson as well as her very popular Magical World.
She’s also busy working on a new collection of songs for intermediate vocalists and a musical for young people, Mocha and the Moon, about a jersey cow named Mocha with some astronomically high aspirations!
We thought we’d share with you a poem of Tiffany’s that is being set to music for the song collection, the dramatic I Have Lost My Bottle of Faerie Dust. Enjoy!
All seems grey now
The memories are fading of a time when the world was sparkling
Once passions ran wild and free, my heart was alive
I can scarcely feel it beating
Once these feet were caressed by the dewy grass in the glow of morning
Like shards of glass the grass seems now
These eyes fixed on the curves of a leaf that had fallen to the ground.
The scent of jasmine would make me shiver with delight
These lips were enraptured by the sweet taste of a berry’s juice.
Now, tis so bland it is sour.
Laughter that once tickled my ears is tainted with a sinister tone
How cruel it sounds! It mocks me.
The stars don’t sing me to sleep.
The music is gone! The music is gone!
I no longer see my wings in the water’s reflection
I no longer feel their weight
I search in vain for the circles of stones and flowers where I used to play
How have I become separated from my kin, my home, where all was joy, all was love
Where springtime was eternal?
Oh where, where is my bottle of faerie dust?
Before all the memories disappear.
Before all colour and light is extinguished.
I must know that magic again
In NP news, we’ve put up Part 4 of Tabitha’s Magical Voice on our new Notalotabull Press Storytime Blog. When the Grenigots discover that Tabitha’s voice can save them from the dreaded nados, they want to hold her captive forever. How is she going to get home? Download your copy of the ebook at www.tiffanyprochera.com.
Tiffany as also submitted a poem to the CBC Canada Writes Poetry Contest this week so keep your fingers crossed! We would totally post the poem for you all to read but the rules say we can’t, so…
Well, that’s all for now! Have a great day and keep posted for more!
Hi all!
We’ve been busy working on a new site and we’re pretty pleased with the results! The new www.tiffanyprochera.com is sleeker, easily navigatable and, well, it’s Purple! It still has all of the great STM and NP stuff and it’s easier to find everything.
We’ve also launched a new blog called Notalotabull Press Storytime where you can read excerpts from Tiffany’s books, poetry and up-and-coming works that haven’t yet been officially released!
So check out the new site, let us know what you think and enjoy reading at Storytime.
In other news, Tiffany has been asked to be a featured soloist at the Joie De Vivre Singers spring concert on April 28th in Winnipeg. It was an honour to be asked and she’s looking forward to rocking the performance!
Well, that’s all for now. Have a great day and we’ll see you next time!
Hi all!
We’ve been busy here doing some updates and here are a couple of new videos. We had fun putting them together!
Here’s one showcasing Tiffany’s singing skills with a variety of clips in different musical genres.
Here’s one with Tiffany flexing her voice over chops.
Well, gotta get back to it! Have a great day everyone!
Greetings all!
Well, the Winnipeg Music Festival has come to an end and STM really shone, if we do say so ourselves!
Tiffany performed her Magical World at a trophy competition (which, incidently, she won!) and several in attendance were asking about the piece and where they could get it.
At that same moment, one of her students was performing Mr. Willywallywolowitz from Bad Moods and not only did he do a wonderful job but, rumour has it, the adjudicator wanted to buy a copy of the book!
So there you have it. It’s been a great week and we at STM are just busting with pride!
In case you haven’t seen it yet, here’s our little commercial for Bad Moods. And this and Magical World – which will be a part of an upcoming collection of songs for intermediate vocalists – are both available for download at http://www.tiffanyprochera.com/SwimmingTigress/download_scores.htm
Greetings all!
We’ve been busy here at STM and we’ve been having a blast!
We’ve released a new commercial for Bad Moods And Seven Other Super Reasons To Sing A Silly Song.
Here in Winnipeg we are nearing the end of the Winnipeg Music Festival and Tiffany has a couple of entries in the competition. She herself performed Magical World to very positive, can we say rave, reviews! And one of her students is performing Mr. Willywallywolowitz from Bad Moods later this week. Good luck, Alex!
In Notalotabull Press news, while searching for a video to place in this blog, we came across a video that someone made using one of Tiffany’s poems from A Candle At Both Ends. The beginning features quotes from Thich Nhat Hanh (wow!) and Ralph Marston and then it’s Tiffany. They did a lovely job! Enjoy!
Swimming Tigress Music and Notalotabull Press would like to wish you a Happy New Year and a prosperous and healthy 2012!
At STM, we’ve been busy getting the word out about Bad Moods And Seven Other Super Reasons to Sing a Silly Song, the new collection of songs for young singers by Manitoba composer and singing teacher, Tiffany Prochera.
Tiffany has put together some YouTube videos of songs from the collection so you can have a chance to hear them in their entirety. You can order the book in hard copy or digital download online at www.swimmingtigress.com or at Tredwell’s Music Centre in Winnipeg.
Here are a couple of videos! This first one is for Mr. Duckworth and Mrs. Bunnington, two little fuzzy friends that Tiffany uses to help her students learn to perform in front of an audience
This one is about a crazy science teacher named Mr. Willywallywolowitz. Enjoy!
You can watch more videos at the Swimming Tigress Music YouTube channel at
Have a fabulous day everyone!
You’ll never be happier to be in a bad mood. Swimming Tigress Music is pleased to announce the arrival of….
Bad Moods and Seven Other Super Reasons to Sing A Silly Song!
Keep up with all the goodness at STM by following us on social media!